Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A liberal in a strange land

Seattle Wine Muse here. I've recently moved to Texas. When I say recent, I mean this is week three. VERY recent. It would be an understatement to say, "we're not in Seattle anymore, Toto." Mayhaps you're thinking, WTF? Why would anyone move from Seattle (THE most liberal, Godless city in the US. Possibly even the world, if you listen to CNN or FOX) to Texas (think opposite of liberal). It is a bit of a culture and mental shift. I'm keeping an open mind. I'm not judging. I'm trying to keep a journalistic eye on events, places, people, food, pretty much everything I encounter here. Will the world come to an end if I hear, "Obama is an idiot" one more time? Probably not. If it did, however, I wouldn't have to feel guilty anymore for throwing food away when children are starving in Africa, China, or India. My carbon footprint wouldn't matter anymore either. Many things are different here. One of the ways I cope with change is to write about it. It helps keep me sane. It's free therapy. This new blog will be my free therapy while I'm adjusting to the major changes I'm going through right now. I hope anyone reading this doesn't take offense. I'm not doing this to offend anyone from the south or anyone from Texas. If you're a jerk and you read this and you're offended, then I meant to do that. Not apologizing. Now to get to the meat of this post. Here are some early observations from a Liberal in a Strange Land: 1. The only things more annoying than a Texan in a giant pickup truck riding my a$$ in traffic are the mean and nasty mosquitos who have a propensity to silently, invisibily, and painlessly dine on my blood. 2. If you enjoy not smelling like an ashtray, be careful where you dine and drink. Houston is smoke-free. The burbs are not. 3. Everything truly is bigger in Texas. Especially the peoples' waistlines. 4. The local liquor stores are awesome because the state doesn't own them. There is an abundance of spirits, wine, beer, and promises of alcohol tastings several times a week. The follow-through is a different story. Not all promised tastings actually happen. Perhaps it's the hot climate. "Are you going to do that wine tasting at Spec's Liquor store today Margaret?" "Maybe. It's awfully hot today. Maybe not. 5. People are friendly here. Until they see you have tattoos. Then they stare at you like you have three heads and have an arm growing out of your back. Unless they are young women between the ages of 18 - 23. Then they love your tattoos and tell you. Everywhere you go. 6. Thunderstorms here have actual thunder. Loud thunder. And lightening. And the major highways have signs telling you not to drive on them when the water gets a certain depth. I'm taking their word for it. 7. When the temperature "cools down" to the low 80s or upper 70s, it's time to turn the AC off and open the windows and doors. Make sure your screens don't have holes (see observation number 1). This ends the first "free therapy" session. There will be more. Stay tuned.


  1. Witty as always and don't forget that writing me is more free therapy. There is a country song that says "save a horse, ride a cowboy." Enjoy your new place.

    1. Thank you Mr. Viva Las. If I wrote to you every time I needed free therapy these days you'd block my email address for spamming you. :)

  2. Hey Jude, if you need to commiserate with somebody in person I can introduce you to some of my old journalism friends there.

    Funny thing is that there I'm a liberal and here (in Washington), I'm a conservative. I like to think of myself as being a radical middle of the roader. In other word I want the right to protect my recycling bins with automatic weapons! ;-)

    1. Thank you Keith! I just might take you up on your offer. About your right to protect your bins with auto weapons, well, your Texas roots are showing. ;-P
